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Microsoft's generosity knows no end for a year (comic)
Posted 15 years ago
See sound without drugs

I have created an application that just turns on the microphone and continually plots the FFT magnitude of what it records. It allows control over the window size and sampling rate.
Finding Bieber: On removing duplicates from a set of documents

Using a locality sensitive hash, you can mark duplicates in millions of items in no time.
Creating portable binaries on Linux
Distributing applications on Linux is hard. Sure, with modern package management,
installing software is easy. But if you are
distributing an application, you probably need one Windows version, plus umpteen different versions for Linux. In this article, we'll create a dummy application that targets the following operating systems, which are commonly used in business environments...
Keeping Abreast of Pornographic Research in Computer Science

Burgeoning numbers of Ph.D's and grad students are choosing to study pornography. Techniques for the analysis of "objectionable images" are gaining increased attention (and grant money) from governments and research institutions around the world, as well as Google. But what, exactly, does computer science have to do with porn? In the name of academic persuit, let's roll up our sleeves and plunge deeply into this often hidden area that lies between the covers of top-shelf research journals.
When a reporter mangles your elevator pitch
If a reporter asks you about your new startup company, be careful what you say.
The simple and obvious way to walk through a graph
At some point in your programming career you may have to go through
a graph of items and process them all exactly once. If you keep following neighbours, the path might loop back on itself, so you need to keep track of which ones have been processed already.
A simple command line calculator
A textbook example of recursive descent parsing.
How to run a linux based home web server
Sometimes you need complete control over the server, and don't want to pay $20 to $40 a month for a VPS. In this article, I'll describe step by step how to set up a home web server using Ubuntu, capable of handling modest spikes in traffic.
0, 1, Many, a Zillion
It's common wisdom that there should only be three numbers in source code. But there's actually four. Here's why.
You don't need a project/solution to use the VC++ debugger
You learn a lot of things on the job as a programmer. Years ago, at my first coop position, I was a little confused when my boss went to Visual C++, and tried to open the .EXE file as a project.
What a dolt! I thought.
That's not going to work.