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I didn't know you could mix and match (comic)
Posted 15 years ago
Why don't web browsers do this?
Why don't web pages start as fast as this computer from 1984?
Zero load time file formats
When your app needs to be fast, you can't afford to load things fro disk. In this toy example, an on-disk data structure helps you instantly look up lists of related words.
Copy a cairo surface to the windows clipboard
I just spent several hours debugging clipboard copy of a DIB image. I could copy from my application, and paste into Paint. I could paste into Word. But if I pasted into WordPad, nothing showed up. If I pasted into GIMP, it crashed.
Succinct Data Structures: Cramming 80,000 words into a Javascript file.
jQuery creator John Resig needs a little help storing lists of words in his side project. Let's go overkill and explore a little known branch of computer science called Succinct Data Structures.
Finding Bieber: On removing duplicates from a set of documents
Using a locality sensitive hash, you can mark duplicates in millions of items in no time.
Usability Nightmare: Xfce Settings Manager
Rant: Why can't anyone make a good settings screen?
Automatically remove wordiness from your writing
Shorten your writing with this tool, made well before AI was popular.
Cell Phone Secrets
How to choose a cell phone in 2006, if you want the best possible radio.
A Quick Measure of Sortedness
How do you measure the "sortedness" of a list? There are several ways. In the literature this measure is called the "distance to monotonicity" or the "measure of disorder" depending on who you read. Here, I propose another measure for sortedness.