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I didn't know you could mix and match (comic)
Posted 15 years ago
Zero load time file formats
When your app needs to be fast, you can't afford to load things fro disk. In this toy example, an on-disk data structure helps you instantly look up lists of related words.
O(n) Delta Compression With a Suffix Array
The difference between two sequences A and B can be compactly stored using COPY/INSERT operations. The greedy algorithm for finding these operations relies on an efficient way of finding the longest matching part of A of any given position in B. This article describes how to use a suffix array to find the optimal sequence of operations in time proportional to the length of the input sequences. As a preprocessing step, we find and store the longest match in A for every position in B in two passes over the suffix array.
The strange man reading a novel in the meeting room
Why is a visitor reading a novel all week in the meeting room?
Compress your JSON with automatic type extraction
JSON is horribly inefficient data format for data exchange between a web server and a browser. Here's how you can fix it.
Installing the Latest Debian on an Ancient Laptop
The challenge: Install Linux on a really old laptop. The catch: It has only
32 MB of RAM, no network ports, no CD-ROM, and the floppy drive makes creaking noises. Is it possible? Yes. Is it easy? No. Is is useful? Maybe...
Fast and Easy Levenshtein distance using a Trie
If you have a web site with a search function, you will rapidly realize that most mortals are terrible typists. Many searches contain mispelled words, and users will expect these searches to magically work. This magic is often done using levenshtein distance. In this article, I'll compare two ways of finding the closest matching word in a large dictionary. I'll describe how I use it on rhymebrain.com
Exploring sound with Wavelets
Here's a program to create scalograms of sound files.
An instant rhyming dictionary for any web site
Sometimes your API has to be simple enough for non-technical people to use it. Find out how to include a rhyming dictionary on your web page just by copying and pasting.