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If you have a web site with a search function, you will rapidly realize that most mortals are terrible typists. Many searches contain mispelled words, and users will expect these searches to magically work. This magic is often done using levenshtein distance. In this article, I'll compare two ways of finding the closest matching word in a large dictionary. I'll describe how I use it on not for corrections, but to search 2.6 million words for rhymes, for every request, with no caching, on my super-powerful sock-drawer datacenter:
The levenshtein function take two words and returns how far apart they are. It's an O(N*M) algorithm, where N is the length of one word, and M is the length of the other. If you want to know how it works, go to this wikipedia page.
But comparing two words at a time isn't useful. Usually you want to find the closest matching words in a whole dictionary, possibly with many thousands of words. Here's a quick python program to do that, using the straightforward, but slow way. It uses the file /usr/share/dict/words. The first argument is the misspelled word, and the second argument is the maximum distance. It will print out all the words with that distance, as well as the time spent actually searching. For example:
smhanov@ubuntu1004:~$ ./ goober 1 ('goober', 0) ('goobers', 1) ('gooier', 1) Search took 4.5575 s
Here's the program:
#!/usr/bin/python #By Steve Hanov, 2011. Released to the public domain import time import sys DICTIONARY = "/usr/share/dict/words"; TARGET = sys.argv[1] MAX_COST = int(sys.argv[2]) # read dictionary file words = open(DICTIONARY, "rt").read().split(); # for brevity, we omit transposing two characters. Only inserts, # removals, and substitutions are considered here. def levenshtein( word1, word2 ): columns = len(word1) + 1 rows = len(word2) + 1 # build first row currentRow = [0] for column in xrange( 1, columns ): currentRow.append( currentRow[column - 1] + 1 ) for row in xrange( 1, rows ): previousRow = currentRow currentRow = [ previousRow[0] + 1 ] for column in xrange( 1, columns ): insertCost = currentRow[column - 1] + 1 deleteCost = previousRow[column] + 1 if word1[column - 1] != word2[row - 1]: replaceCost = previousRow[ column - 1 ] + 1 else: replaceCost = previousRow[ column - 1 ] currentRow.append( min( insertCost, deleteCost, replaceCost ) ) return currentRow[-1] def search( word, maxCost ): results = [] for word in words: cost = levenshtein( TARGET, word ) if cost <= maxCost: results.append( (word, cost) ) return results start = time.time() results = search( TARGET, MAX_COST ) end = time.time() for result in results: print result print "Search took %g s" % (end - start)
k | a | t | e | ||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
c | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
a | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
t | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
k | a | t | e | ||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
c | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
a | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
t | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
s | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
Only the last row changes. We can avoid a lot of work if we can process the words in order, so we never need to repeat a row for the same prefix of letters. The trie data structure is perfect for this. A trie is a giant tree, where each node represents a partial or complete word. Here's one with the words cat, cats, catacomb, and catacombs in it (courtesy of Nodes that represent a word are marked in black.
#!/usr/bin/python #By Steve Hanov, 2011. Released to the public domain import time import sys DICTIONARY = "/usr/share/dict/words"; TARGET = sys.argv[1] MAX_COST = int(sys.argv[2]) # Keep some interesting statistics NodeCount = 0 WordCount = 0 # The Trie data structure keeps a set of words, organized with one node for # each letter. Each node has a branch for each letter that may follow it in the # set of words. class TrieNode: def __init__(self): self.word = None self.children = {} global NodeCount NodeCount += 1 def insert( self, word ): node = self for letter in word: if letter not in node.children: node.children[letter] = TrieNode() node = node.children[letter] node.word = word # read dictionary file into a trie trie = TrieNode() for word in open(DICTIONARY, "rt").read().split(): WordCount += 1 trie.insert( word ) print "Read %d words into %d nodes" % (WordCount, NodeCount) # The search function returns a list of all words that are less than the given # maximum distance from the target word def search( word, maxCost ): # build first row currentRow = range( len(word) + 1 ) results = [] # recursively search each branch of the trie for letter in trie.children: searchRecursive( trie.children[letter], letter, word, currentRow, results, maxCost ) return results # This recursive helper is used by the search function above. It assumes that # the previousRow has been filled in already. def searchRecursive( node, letter, word, previousRow, results, maxCost ): columns = len( word ) + 1 currentRow = [ previousRow[0] + 1 ] # Build one row for the letter, with a column for each letter in the target # word, plus one for the empty string at column 0 for column in xrange( 1, columns ): insertCost = currentRow[column - 1] + 1 deleteCost = previousRow[column] + 1 if word[column - 1] != letter: replaceCost = previousRow[ column - 1 ] + 1 else: replaceCost = previousRow[ column - 1 ] currentRow.append( min( insertCost, deleteCost, replaceCost ) ) # if the last entry in the row indicates the optimal cost is less than the # maximum cost, and there is a word in this trie node, then add it. if currentRow[-1] <= maxCost and node.word != None: results.append( (node.word, currentRow[-1] ) ) # if any entries in the row are less than the maximum cost, then # recursively search each branch of the trie if min( currentRow ) <= maxCost: for letter in node.children: searchRecursive( node.children[letter], letter, word, currentRow, results, maxCost ) start = time.time() results = search( TARGET, MAX_COST ) end = time.time() for result in results: print result print "Search took %g s" % (end - start)Here are the results:
smhanov@ubuntu1004:~$ ./ goober 1 Read 98568 words into 225893 nodes ('goober', 0) ('goobers', 1) ('gooier', 1) Search took 0.0141618 sThe second algorithm is over 300 times faster than the first. Why? Well, we create at most one row of the table for each node in the trie. The upper bound for the runtime is O(<max word length> * <number of nodes in the trie>). For most dictionaries, considerably less than O(<number of words> * <max word length>^2)
I already stored the words in a trie, indexed by pronunciation instead of letters. However, to search it, I was first performing a quick and dirty scan to find words that might possibly rhyme. Then I took that large list and ran each one through the levenshtein function to calculate RhymeRankTM. The user is presented with only the top 50 entries of that list.
After a lot of deep thinking, I realized that the levenshtein function could be evaluated incrementally, as I described above. Of course, I might have realized this sooner if I had read one of the many scholarly papers on the subject, which describe this exact method. But who has time for that? :)
With the new algorithm, queries take between 19 and 50 ms even for really long words, but the best part is that I don't need to maintain two separate checks (quick and full), and the RhymeRankTM algorithm is performed uniformly for each of the 2.6 million words on my 1GHz Acer Aspire One datacenter.
(Previous articles on RhymeBrain)
In the blog article Fuzzy String Matching, the author presents a recursive solution using memoization (caching). This is equivalent to flood-filling a diagonal band across the table. It gives a runtime of O(k * <number of nodes in the trie>), where k is the maximum cost. You can modify my algorithm above to only fill in only some entries of the table. I tried it, but it made the examples too complex and actually slowed it down. I blame my python skills.
Update: I just realized the author has created a new solution for dictionary search, also based on tries. I quickly tried it on my machine and dictionary, and got a time of 0.009301, assuming the prefix tree is prebuilt. It's slightly faster for an edit distance of 1! But somethings going on, because it takes 1.5 s for an edit distance of 4, whereas my code takes only 0.44. Phew!
And of course, you could create a levenshtein automaton, essentially a big honking regular expression that matches all possible mispellings. But to do it efficiently you need to write big honking gobs of code. (The code in the linked article does not do it efficiently, but states that it is possible to do so.) Alternatively, you could enumerate all possible mispellings and insert them into a MA-FSA or DAWG to obtain the regular expression.
I've included this algorithm in my Trie implementation in Java.
The source is here:
I have a version of this algorithm in C++. You can see it here:
for a file of 235887 words, this program needs 1.1 sec to build a trie and 0.0019 sec to search for a word in edit distance of one.
You can also check the Ternary Tree algorithm (see It seems to me that it can be useful in this case.
Best regards
Thought others might be interested to know... I was playing with the algorithm and realized that the same result could be achieved without the Levenshtein matrix. Instead, pass a "cost so far" through the recursive function along with an index of current position within the word. If the letter at that position doesn't match the current trie node's letter then adjust the "cost so far" by one and search the next level with the index the same (a delete), index+1 (a replace), and index+2 (an insert). Otherwise don't adjust the cost-so-far, and just continue on searching index+1. Also add a condition to see if the node word thus far is larger than the original search term by more than the max cost, and short-circuit the search at that point if it is (as suggested earlier by Matthew Davidson).
Performance wise this approach seemed to run about the same speed, but conceptually it is much easier to understand.
P.S. I found performance of both algorithms written in Java and running on an Android phone (Galaxy SII) rather disappointing. There was noticeable lag for longer words. Of course there could be various reasons for this, but just want to let people know that using a Trie or DAWG are not a guaranteed fix for performance --binary searches on simple arrays are surprisingly fast. The big gain with a DAWG is really the memory foot print.
Just a small comment. Couldn't this section:
# build first row
currentRow = [0]
for column in xrange( 1, columns ):
currentRow.append( currentRow[column - 1] + 1 )
be rewritten simply as:
currentRow = range(columns)
thanks for the useful article, recently (at last) I entered fuzzy string matching.
My "on the fly" C implementation took shape of a console tool:
Sadly, it turns out that I am too naive to seek sharing and good will among short-tailored "programmers".
My disappointment at:
What approach(es) would you recommend as next step?
I intend revision 2 of Galadriel to enforce/use as 4th command line parameter number of OPEN MP threads, these days having 8+ threads and 400+MB/s external memory reads will benefit the linear traversal, yet for super speeds using a structure is inevitable.
For example my "abridged" 3-gram file is 100+ million lines long. I need real-time responses implementing some simple approach, any ideas!
To see what I am talking about, you are welcome to my phrase checker thread at:
It would be helpful to see your view on further speedups.
circumvallate 1978 335 91
circumvallate 1979 261 91
You will find:
applica_VERB 1917 1 1
applica_VERB 1918 4 4
which looks like a garbage and does not make much sense to me. What a heck?
The program recursive finds friends of words. Can we not put the words in dictionary rather than list from the file you take. It would give O(1) complexity and the search will be even faster. In this line
node.children[letter] = TrieNode()
LinkedHashset in Java I think
THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH. IT RUN LIKE A CHARM. Brilliant Tree concept running so fast now
One further improvement: there's no need to actually compute the rows after the trie word's length exceeds the TARGET length. The Levenshtein distance of longer words is just the Levenshtein distance of the substring of equal length to the TARGET plus the difference in total string length. Intuitively, this is because once the string lengths are matched, all that remains is to keep inserting letters at the end until you have the new string.
This should be much faster for short TARGET strings.
I implemented this algorithm in C++ with some difference because I wanted to match only with the word with the fewest Levenshtein distance.
In case you are interested: There is an entirely different approach to answering Levenshtein range queries using n-grams. Intuitively, two strings are similar if they share a certain number of grams. The grams can therefore be used as a filter (necessary but not sufficient condition) to get a small subset of candidates for which the real Levenshtein distance needs to be computed (to remove false positives).
To facilitate finding all strings that share a certain number of grams with a query you can build an inverted index on the grams of all the strings in your dictionary. The problem then becomes "merging" the inverted lists of those grams that appear in your query and then removing false positives.
Typically, the gram-based approach works better for longer strings whereas the trie-based approach works best for shorter strings. Also, the gram-based approach can support other similarity functions such as Jaccard. On the other hand, the trie-based approach can support incremental prefix-searches as well (e.g. for auto-complete type of applications).
We have a decent C++ implementation in "The Flamingo Project on Data Cleaning". For relatively small datasets (< 1million strings) you typically can answer a query in <1ms.
I thought searchRecursive() above looked a bit inefficient and given it was the heart of the search any improvements would be beneficial. My simple changes take about 30% off the search time here without altering the output. See
This avoids having to construct a trie and if memory is under pressure then as long as the dictionary file is in some sorted order, as look(1) requires of /usr/share/dict/words, then each word can be read and measured in turn. For repeated searching an array (in the Python array.array('B') sense) of the number of rows to keep, alongside a parallel list of the characters needed by the new rows, could be created. For the above `cat cats caviar dog' that would be `0 3 2 0' and `cat s viar dog'.
(BTW, the comment "for brevity, we omit transposing two characters" suggests Levenshtein normally includes transposition but I don't think it does. That's one of the differences with Damerau-Levenshtein.)
You are aware of PyPy (jitted python), are you?
Free performance gain.
Of course, the version in the Ubuntu repositories is dated. You will have to download a nightly build as even the ppa is not up to date.