Spoke.com scam
I stumbled accross this page about myself on this rotten company Spoke.com, who, without my permission, gathered my name and employment history together into one place. I object to it, but there was no obvious way to get it removed. After a lot of searching, I found a contact page and filled it out, but I'm not at all confident that it will be acted on.
Spoke, if you want me to remove this entry about you, you can opt-out at any time using the contact form below. After I verify your identity I will put your request into a queue for removal.
We will Provide support options and find the appropriate support team to resolve Microsoft Office 365 Support Issues ,which you maybe facing ,Our Microsoft Office Customer Support number is constantly available 24*7 who permits the client to support the customers continually. Client can just call up our Contact Microsoft Office Support +1-888-678-5401.
Its always 'next' week with Spoke. That's the beauty of it, folks, because logically speaking, 'next' week never arrives. That is the meaning the unqualified phrase 'next week'. If you do NOT specify exact dates, then 'next week' is any week in the next 10,000 years.
Brilliant isn't it !?!
Spoke is going to be around for a long time, as long as, 'next week' never arrives.
He bragged on the Spoke Blog about all sorts of great things to come down the pipeline after May 9.
So far nothing, its the same old everything.
What a lazy dog corporation!
I agree that when I joined, the company had a lot of issues and we are fixing them as we are talking. There are things that we can fix quickly and others that needs software release in order to work and therefore takes more time given the size of the team.
Since last year, we have fixed the easy things which are process based. We are now A+ at BBB (Better Business Bureau) and the number of complaints at Trustee such as what is above doesn't exceed more than one per week at best for more than 3 million unique visitors on a monthly basis.
We are now in the process of releasing a major upgrade to the site which should solve most of the remaining perceived issues.
As an FYI, my support team has taken care of all the people we could identify on this page and remove them from Spoke.com
Philippe Cases, Spoke Software CEO, philippe.cases@spokesoftware.com
They have a privacy policy, no doubt. Some folks register and then forget completely. Then they wake up and get their panties in a bunch.
Also, spoke has lousy software, they are probably lazy and do not attend to issues at once. That's why you have a bunch of folks screaming mad at them.
Spoke is most likely living of borrowed money, they are not profitable and I get this strange feeling that there are not too many employees either. But those who are there do have bombastic titles and 'look' important. You could get fooled easily.
I could be wrong, no doubt.
Steve, if you type Steve Hanov site:spoke.com on Google, you will see that your info is not on our site anymore. I don't need you to remove this post to the contrary as long as you leave my comment and contact info on the post so that people can reach me to get their problems resolved.
Most of the info related about us such as us asking to pay to remove information, stealing passwords, stealing identity and reselling to a black market is of course inaccurate. What you see is what you get and nothing more.
I am asking my support team to check if people on this page are still on the Spoke site and remove them if they are not.
I will not register with their site.
Thanks again.
I found the same thing about me on the site. I am trying to find out who they are. This behavior is very disturbing.
try filing a complaint there
Use 10minutemail.com to sign up with a fake email address. It's super illegal.
The info appears to not be terribly accurate though.
They probably scrape online resumes, and I don't have one online.
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