Email Etiquette
Posted 15 years ago
If you begin your emails with "Hi, <name>!" then they will seem less rude.
> steve, we were testing your changes and they errored. can you pls > look at these tracefiles? > cam You dolt, you set HPLX_PARAMETER_7=A0, but it should be set to AO. Please re-run the test.
Compare to:
> steve, we were testing your changes and they errored. can you pls > look at these tracefiles? > cam Hi, Cam! You dolt, you set HPLX_PARAMETER_7=A0, but it should be set to AO. Please re-run the test.
See what I mean?
Steve Hanov makes a living working on,,,
and He lives in
Waterloo, Canada.
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seriously someone help Sharon Summers on that Zinsser transformer thing
four years ago
Karan did indeed lol.
13 years ago
Hi, Cam!
I've just spent several hours reading your website,
no 'real' work done,
wish there was more :)
15 years ago
Hi, Steve!
This entry sucks, please try harder to make a good entry next time.
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